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"Do I want war? I don't want war with anybody," Trump told reporters at the White House when asked if he wants war with Iran, which the Trump administration officials held accountable for the attacks on Aramco oil facilities that have halved Saudi oil output.

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"Data is the one thing that keeps the industrial internet engine humming. China's generation of troves of data and the consequent user cases are valuable to enrich the experiences of international firms," he said.

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"Dual circulation is the road our country must follow to achieve high-quality development and deepen reforms… the key to fulfilling domestic circulation is to eliminate shortcomings in this regard," said Huang Qifan, vice-chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.


"During the years of addiction, I engaged in every type of activity to get money to buy drugs," said Wang Yu, 30, from Yuxi.


"Digital cameras became popular around 2000 and I bought one without hesitation," she said. "I really love the feeling of pressing the shutter without any limit."


